GETSET caters for people who do not wish to attend a gym. Raewyn is a Personal Trainer in her 60’s and she knows how hard it can be to fit into the usual Gym culture. So she has created a boutique Studio (in Murrays Bay) where every client can work out in private with no pressure.
The Coaching you receive is personalised, professional and driven by your goals, preferences and abilities. Every client has Raewyn’s undivided attention for the entire workout. She is your ‘unreasonable buddy’ in the nicest possible way, to make sure no time is wasted and you are not injured. You will receive support and motivation, alongside honesty and respect. Every workout is effective yet enjoyable - and Every client gets results!
Raewyn is passionate about helping people to prepare for a happy, healthy future by living fully today. Her goal is to motivate and empower Clients to develop their health and fitness so that they can achieve their full potential in every area of their life, and be ‘rocking it’ until a great old age. Raewyn firmly believes that exercise does not have to hurt, and she loves seeing her clients re-discover how good it feels to ‘move again’.
Endless walking on treadmills is a long slow way of losing weight or toning the body. The most effective (and time efficient) form of exercise is a combination of both cardio and resistance work. GETSET Clients are given a personalised weekly schedule of both Cardio and Strength Training.
Workouts at the Studio are a mixture of Free Weights, ‘Cardio Bites’, Functional /body movement, Pilates, Yoga, Boxing, bands, TaiChi, Swiss Ball, GymStick, Re-bounder etc, depending on individual preferences and needs. No boring hours stuck on cardio machines!