New series of easy at-home workouts.
Stuck at home? Let's turn it into a positive! Imagine if you were to feel better than ever before at the end of the "lockdown". Even if you are not a regular exerciser, now is your chance! Check back each week for a new video.
5 free easy home-based exercises for anyone having to self-isolate. Wherever possible, please get outside for walks, runs, rides etc as this will help your cardio and give you 'mental strength'.
In addition try to do this small toning routine on most days. These moves are for beginnners and use household items for weight. Start off small, with just x10 repetitions, then x15 and so on until you are doing x30, and going 2 or 3 times through the circuit of 5 moves. If you do a little, often, you will make progress and feel so much better.
Here is video #2 in my series of basic moves that everyone can do at home - even if you have no gear. Give it a go. Share with anyone who might find it useful. Remember to go for your brisk walks and breathe deeply to lower anxiety and stress. Kia Kaha.
5 Easy exercises for anyone and everyone. Let's use our time at home to tone!
Video #4 in our home exercise series is all about the CORE! These are 7 of my favourite tummy moves that I use with beginner clients. Complete them little and often, eat less white processed food and you'll have ABs appearing by the end of lockdown.
Moving lowers your stress and anxiety by forcing you to breathe deeper! Exercise gives you endorphins and raises the 'happy hormones' seratonin and dopamine. AND it's much cheaper than pills.